Is the OGL Era Over? (Two Years Later)
Two years later, what happened to the licenses & games that were in the news when Wizards tried to revoke the OGL?
Two years later, what happened to the licenses & games that were in the news when Wizards tried to revoke the OGL?
This look at the million-dollar Dungeons & Dragons 5e Kickstarters was written as part of the history of “Hit Point Press”, which will appear in Designers & Dragons: The ’10s.…
A look at 2024: the D&D 50th anniversary, digital missteps, the OGL-inspired competitors, and more.
Just more than a month ago, Chaosium Vice President and co-owner Michael O’Brien dropped me a line telling me that Chaosium was producing a “RuneQuest Classics” edition of the RQ3…
A look at Glorantha's fandom and their publications.
A look at the early history of APAs and roleplaying.
A look at the history of portal fantasies, their overlap with the early days of RPGs, and their recent return.
About This is Free Trader Beowulf, links to purchase, and an announcement of an upcoming FTB series.
James Ward was one of the oldest of guards, not just the author of classics such as Metamorphosis Alpha and Gamma World, but also a major influencer throughout TSR's history.
A word cloud of the products detailed in Designers & Dragons Origins