A Look at Secrets of Blackmoor Volume 1
One of the first D&D history movies offers intriguing insight into the Blackmoor game that spawned D&D.
One of the first D&D history movies offers intriguing insight into the Blackmoor game that spawned D&D.
A book by one of the earliest creators of the roleplaying industry unfortunately doesn't make a lot of sense.
A look at TSR's miniatures and computer game licenses, which involved many fewer lawsuits than their roleplaying interactions.
TSR was a study in opposites: early on, they embraced licensees, but when they got big, lawsuits became the order of the day.
A review of David Nalle's "Paper Warriors", an early look at the roleplaying industry.
A legend of the early roleplaying industry who fell to COVID-19.
Where do you go when you start a list with The Spawn of Fashan?
As the Designers & Dragons project kicks into high gear, Kickstarter goes wild, inclusivity rises, and the industry sees other successes.
Designer presses, indie publishers, OSR publishers, White Wolf spin-offs, British publishers, and other foreign publishers who could go into a '10s book.
A look at ICv2's other data, from 2005-2009 and 2013-2019, plus a look at the most played game systems on Roll20.